Hi folks! First of all everyone at Annie’s house would like to wish all our children and families a belated Happy New Year! Thank you for all your lovely cards and gifts.Thanks to all the families who joined us for our annual Christmas party for the festivities. This was our first Christmas in the cabin and so we were really excited to celebrate it with you all and so thank you for the great turn out.
We thought it would be great to let parents know what fun plans we’ve got coming up this term and what they can expect the forest gang to be getting up to as winter turns to spring time.
Spring term plans
We have lots of fun activities planned for our little people this term. Not to mention some great festivals to celebrate together.
As some of you might have already spotted, we have been caring for our shoots and shrubs over winter in our little green house. Throughout spring we will continue to plant some of the mature plants into our growing space. We are also getting very excited as some of the previously planted wildflower seeds and bulbs are starting to sprout so we are hoping to have a lovely collection of flowers as the temperature starts to warm up. All the children are particularly interested in birds and we have been doing some serious watching and listening as well as identifying birds. The woodpeckers have also been very busy tapping on the trees.
We hope to be able to help the local wildlife by adding some bird boxes to the scout park this term. We will also continue to look after our new found hedgehog friends by keeping their hedgehog houses nice and cozy until they are warm enough to come out and say hello in the summer. Talking shelters, we are also eagerly awaiting our willow to commence the build of our willow arbor to make a more permanent but natural reading and relaxing corner for everyone. We will be sure to keep you updated with the progress through pictures!
We also intend to put in place a more permanent mud kitchen for our culinary mud masters in the forest gang to play with as much as they wish! We hope you all like mud pie as these guys are about to get some serious practice in.
As for celebrations this term we have lots in store as this is one of the busiest times of the year for fun things to celebrate. Keep an eye on your post out there, as we are already preparing for valentines day which is fast approaching. This term will also see us celebrating the Lunar New Year. This year is the year of the Dragon and we will be having lots of conversations about what that means for children in all the countries that celebrate the Lunar New Year. There will be a special chinese new year campfire with lots of homemade chinese food and we are hoping to listen and dance to some special chinese music. Of course February won’t pass us by without a pancake celebration or too as well!
Later in the term we have mothers day coming up as well as Red nose day and of course Easter to celebrate. Closer to the end we will also be celebrating the gorgeous carnival of Spring where we will be looking very closely at nature and the annual cycle of living things and all of the lovely things to expect from the natural environment from spring.
News and updates
As some of you might be aware this term and last term we welcomed a couple of additional staff members to the team. Make sure to say Hi if you haven’t already. We have Hemmy who used to be a parent for Teddy who is now in big school, plus Zach and Ceiba who will be joining us for some afternoons throughout the week. We expect a couple more to be joining throughout the term so keep an eye out for new friendly faces for us to introduce you to.
Rachel has been continuing her Forest Level 3 studies and is due to send in her final submission in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully at the next newsletter we can give her a shoutout for becoming our newest Forest Leader!
Giulia is also doing great work continuing with her level 3 Forest Leader course which we think will be completed towards the middle of the year.
Anna continues to study hard for her level 3 apprenticeship and Charlie is trooping through his level 3 childcare certificate too.
We are really proud of all of our staff that are pursuing their own learning and achieving additional qualifications. We look forward to updating you on their progress. As a setting we believe in leading by example and there is no better example to our little people than adults continuing to pursue learning, proving that you can always add strings to your bow at any time!
Thanks to all the parents who have been helping us by labeling your child’s things. Please make sure to continue labeling as much as possible as it helps us keep track of everyone's belongings.
We have another tricky situation where your children are bringing in their toys or something special to them which we have no problem with but it just needs to be on the understanding that they will probably need to do some sharing but also these precious things are often difficult for them and us to keep track of. So if you could ensure as much as possible that if your child wants to bring something in they understand both we and them might not be able to find it at the end of the day to go home with them on that particular day.
We know sometimes you are waiting a while at the gate, for the time being please make sure to press the button and give the manual bells a big ring too. We will be installing a louder button bell in the next few weeks so this should get easier soon. Thank you for your patience in us finding the best gate solution for our little forest setting.
Many parents have been asking about the 2 year old government funding as of so far, we have still not been made aware as a setting what this funding will look like in terms of amounts or even operationally. We are eagerly waiting to find out all the information that we need and hope to be able to inform parents who it applies to as soon as we can. For the time being we have made the relevant requests to register for the scheme.
Some parents have been getting later and later for collection, whilst we have allowed people a bit of a grace period to get used to collecting from the Scout Park we would like to remind you that collection should be no later than 5 30pm and there is a chargeable penalty written into the contract for those that are unable to make this time. It is a long day for both children and staff so we ask parents to please make sure to respect collection times and staff’s time.
Term dates
First Half- Monday 8th January 2024 - Friday 12th of February 2024.
Half term(open for full time children) - Monday 12th of February 2024 - Friday 16th of February
Second Half - Monday 19th of February - Thursday 28th March 2024
Easter Holiday(open for full time children)- Friday 29th of March(Bank holiday)- Friday 12th of April 2024
Closed on bank holidays- (Good Friday- 29th of March and Easter Monday- 1st of April)
Summer Term Start date- Monday 15th of April
We can't wait for spring to come, we can feel the warm sun on our faces and watch nature bring everything alive again.
Lots of love All the forest team!
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