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September Newsletter

Phillippa Anne Sabbagh

Autumn Term Kick Off

Hi folks! We hope you all had an amazing summer holiday and you were able to get some rest in to get ready for the new year. We have lots in store for our little people and we are raring to go. Here's a little run down of the term ahead and some fyis. 

Autumn Term
First and foremost, we have new little people to welcome to the forest Gang. We have Konnie, Isla, Naoki, Jasmin and Leo N all starting with us this September. So if you see some new faces at the gate make sure to say a warm welcome. These little people have been doing a great job at getting settled in and the older children are excited to show them the ropes. 

As the warm weather comes to an end and we stay goodbye to a sweltering August our activities will start to change along with the season. To kick the September Season off we will be going Sloe berry picking to make our fav September treat sloe berry cordial and if we are lucky to get some elderberries too then we will be making some elderberry jam on the campfire with the gang. The change in temperature means that the gardeners in the team can get on planting their winter vegetables, we already have a few butternuts that are doing very well and we hope to be able to add pumpkins and Brussel sprouts to the list too!

Moving into October the gang will be celebrating Diwali, Black history and Halloween. The Stickman and his lady love will of course be celebrating everything that we are celebrating too so keep your eyes peeled for their costume and theme changes as the year goes on. 

Towards the end of the term we are hoping to do a parent campfire with some soup and smores so we will give out more information about that the closer we get to that. As we do every year as well, the children will be working on a end of year prezzie for the parents but unfortunately any more details of this will be kept under-wraps(literally).

Throughout the term as a whole we will be working on stretching the children's independence, resilience through continuing our work in the Forest. For those of you who were with us last year you will know that the temperature can bite as winter draws closer, so we will be reminding our little friend how much fun can be had out in the forest and how to get the best our of their days. We can't wait to show you what we get up to!

News and Updates
(Some general news and updates from our side)
- Term date for the term are as follows- First half of the term 1/9/22- 21/10/22, Half term- 24/10/22 - 28/10/22, Second half of the term 31/10/22 - 16/12/22.
- Ourselves and the team will be observing the 19th of September Bank Holiday to allow staff members and our families to use that day as they see fit to commemorate the Queen.  Please note this means that we are closed on this day and will be back open again Tuesday the 20th. 
-As some of you may know Rachel has just started her Forest School Leader training so will be coming back to the gang with lots of new ideas of things to do with the little ones. It's a huge achievement for her to be sponsored by Annie's house to do the training so make sure to share a well done with her when you see her next. 
- Continuing with the theme of training. After her few month of backpacking, Sahara is back with us to commence her level 5 apprenticeship as an Early Years Educator. We can't wait for her to get started and are super glad to have her back. 
-Unfortunately, one much loved member of the team, Charlie, leaves us towards the end of the week to start his second year at University on his Biochemistry degree. We've had the best summer ever in his company, we'll miss his baking and cooking and are hoping to lure him back during the holidays! Give him a fond farewell this week as Thursday will be his last day!

House keeping
For the parents who haven't done a winter with us yet, please make sure to prepare the usual thermals, snoods, hats and gloves that really help our little people get used to being out and about even in the cold weather and helps them enjoy themselves when they are out there. 
- For any parents who are maybe expecting or just welcomed a new member to the family and is hoping to start them with us in Sept 2023, I know it may sound premature, but please let us know as there are already 50 families on the waiting list hoping for a Sept 2023 start. It is normally our practice that Siblings get first dibs but please let us know as we will start parents visits for 2023 starts this term. 
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by Marie Glackin- Parent and local primary school teacher 14 January 2025
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by Annie Sabbagh 19 November 2024
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by Sara Sabbagh 5 September 2024
Winter term 2024 Hi Folks! Welcome to our September newsletter. We hope you were all able to have a restful and happy summer. We have already heard about lots of the fun things you’ve all been getting up to and we are super excited to get all the updates from our little friends as they return to their new term with us. As with all Septembers you will be seeing new families and faces joining so please make sure to say a warm hello and welcome to our newest additions. For new joiners welcome on board! Here you will find our plans for the term and some general parent updates. We’ve got some fun things planned for the term and a few things to update you all on so a huge welcome back from the team and lets get stuck into some Foresting! Autumn term plans We have lots of fun activities planned for our little people this term. Not to mention some great festivals to celebrate together. Planting- We managed to grow some tomatoes which we are picking now but our potatoes and other plants and herbs were lost to an army of slugs which were supported in their quest to eat everything by so much rain!! The children loved picking them up every morning and putting them in a bucket and taking them to the hedgehog houses. We are going to try to grow some winter growing veg hopefully not too slug friendly !! There are many festivals and celebrations over the autumn term which we will be celebrating with your children such Diwali, black history month, Halloween, Christmas and more As well as using lots of natural materials for doing crafts we are going to work on doing more yoga, circle singing, storytelling and Forest School games. We are going to be preparing our hedgehog houses to make them comfortable for our hedgehogs to hibernate in the cold weather. The children have done really well at patiently watching the birds and knowing their names. We have a very friendly Robin as well as Colin the crow of course. In the future we hope to be able to buy some sound recording equipment so we can record them more accurately and hear them really clearly. We will also be making bird feeders for them to help them over the winter. We are on the lookout for more walking action outdoor story books such as bog baby or going on a bear hunt. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions let us know. News and updates We have renewed our Recognised Forest School status after passing our annual checks to make sure our forest school is still meeting the required standards or practice. We are still the only accredited early years forest school in north London and one of only three accredited early years setting in London. We are hoping to have a parent day around half term and our usual Christmas parent and alumni celebration this year. Watch this space or the whatsapp for firm dates as we get them into the calendar. Staff There are so many new staff members I had to make a new section for it! Please give these new faces a warm welcome if and when you next see them. New members of staff- Elaine, Deborah, Elecia, Gabi, Cissy, We have all had fun with Binta over the summer sadly for us she has to go back to uni. She is studying chemistry and pharmacy. We will all miss her but she will be back. She loves all the children!! On our long term young people's work experience programme Jackson, Poppy and Maya Year 13, all did really well in their A levels, Jackson and Poppy are going to uni and Maya is taking a year out so she will be around but also doing some travelling. Zac, Milo, Morolake, Myla and Belva are all going into year 13 and Jack will be joining us as he moves into year 12. Jack, like Maya, is returning to us as they are both alumni children. Staff training update Rachel has completed her level 3 Forest School Leader training and so is our newest crowned Forest leader in the forest gang. She has also now committed to the next step in her development which is the level 5 apprenticeship. This is no mean feat so please give her a well done for her Forest achievement and good luck for her level 5. Giulia continues with her Forest school training and is nearing the end of her course. Charlie continues with his level 3 Early Years childcare education course and his writing is going from strength to strength. Anna continues to make strides in her level 3 apprenticeship training and today gets a special shout out as, as part of apprenticeship month last May, she received the prestigious accolade of Apprentice of the Year from our apprenticeship Partners. This goes to show the huge commitment to her own learning and we are very proud of her achievements. This is the first newsletter since it happened in May but if you’d like to give her a belated well done now you know! Having had Hemmy with us for only a short time she has decided to take the plunge and has started her level 3 apprenticeship for Early Years. Deborah again having only been with us for a short time is also taking advantage of learning opportunities and has started her level 2 apprenticeship in Early Years. Elaine is about to start her level 3 Apprenticeship. Gabi is about to start her Forest school leader level 3 course. Just because staff are new doesn’t mean they can’t get on board the training train. Even our newest members have been hard at it. We are congratulating Elaine, Gabi, Elecia and Cissy for completing their paediatric first aid training, as well as food hygiene, and safeguarding. A special shout out in particular to Elecia who has shown a great hunger to learn and since starting has done every course we’ve thrown at her from FGM awareness, Prevent training, Introduction to safeguarding and Food hygiene. With all this interest in learning we can barely keep up with staff and their newest courses! Our commitment to ourselves, our children and our staff is that anyone can be a lifelong learner. The example that we set as staff to the children that attend is that there is always more knowledge to be learnt and betterment to be achieved and we are excited that our current staff team reflects this so beautifully. Please make sure to join us in encouraging them. We are also delighted to tell you that 4 of us are going to the FSA conference at the end of September to get lots more ideas and skills for having even more fun with your little people in the outdoors !! Housekeeping Please could we remind you that the last pick up time without receiving a fine is 5.30. The lateness fee that is in your contract will be applied from September. If you could please label your clothes even things like a vest, t-shirts, hats and gloves etc because it's really difficult to keep track of everyone's belongings. As you may have noticed the parent whatsapp group is now unfortunately a Read-only group. So if parents would like a message relayed to other parents you are welcome to message Annie who is a group admin or the duty manager who carries the cabin phone. The Cabin phone number is also an admin of the group but if you need it this number is 07452 781747.  We have put together a kit list which we have put on the website if you need it but it's not exhaustive so if you see anything else that you would like to recommend that would be great too. Vinted and H& M and even Sainsburys can have good stuff. Term dates for the year Please find below our dates for the calendar year. Please note: If a payment date falls during a holiday period the same amount is still payable as parents are charged only for the 47 weeks we are open across the year and spread across the year into 12 equal monthly payments. These can also be found if you need to refer to them throughout the year
by Annie Sabbagh 1 July 2024
As an outdoor setting we know that we have to things a little differently to to make sure our little people are reaching all their developmental milestones. Of course like all settings in the UK we are guided by the Early Years Educational Framework. However below we detail our principles of timetable and curriculum management that we use to make sure that our children receive a rich array of experiences in their early years educations. We know that the curriculum, learning environment, children's experiences and journey into life are only as good as the people delivering it. For this reason as well as the EYFS we look to these pillars below to make sure we are providing the required richness for our children to receive the best early years education our provision can provide, leveraging all 7 areas of effective learning and all the best aspects of outdoor education. 1. The setting up of the environment so they can learn from their surroundings, what we physically put out for them to play with. i.e. collections of toys, games or activities. This is called an enabling environment. So every morning it is important that we put out interesting and stimulating things for them too do and to find. 2. It is important that we create an environment where a child feels safe and respected and the environment is full of fun, love, nurturing and language. 3. Exposure to language is the most important element of creating a learning environment. It’s not important if you child is non verbal and it's not about asking questions or directional language such as ‘sit down’, ‘eat your food’ or ‘what colour is that?’. It’s about thinking and developing creative questioning in the minds of young people. It’s using creative language and observations of the world using words that are unusual, extending their exposure to a wider vocabulary. Research shows that richness in language encourages extended learning. 4. Planned and timetabled activities such as circle time, reading, story time should be daily before and after toast as well as other times. 5. Planned adult lead activities should also be daily but should be free choice such as painting, cutting, mark making, cooking, planting and digging. 6. Dynamic activities such as following the children’s lead requesting puppets or pretending to be a driver with passengers on a train. 7. Walking stories with books such as 'Bog Baby' and 'Going on a bear hunt' should be incorporated into the timetable at least twice a week. If we run out of these walking story books we should think them up ourselves with help from the children's imaginations. 8. Long term planned themed activities such as celebrations, festivals and nature projects such as hedgehog house building/care need to take place across the term within the termly planned activities, with strong reflections and scaffolded for learning throughout the term for the abilities of the group. 9. Pooling of everyone’s ideas and expertise. Asking people to lead activities that they are particularly good in certain areas is a great way to share the responsibility of planning throughout the team.
by Sara Sabbagh 5 February 2024
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kids showing off their den building skills
by Sahara Bailey-Joseph 26 October 2023
Quick example of the powerful way forest school can help children build their personal, social, emotional development through group building projects and den building. How does den building hep PSED you ask? Ready the blog to find out
by Phillippa Anne Sabbagh 12 October 2023
I am on a forest school journey. Sonya ( Daughter number 1) and I, completed our forest school training in 2018. We achieved the Forest school accreditation in May 2022 and were reassessed in May 2023 and it was renewed again. We are one of 6 early years settings in the UK to have this accolade. An integral part of being a forest school practitioner is to be committed to continuous professional development(CPD). Professional Development is important to all of us at Annie and Co. It brings new ideas and experiences for all of us and the children. Life is truly about expanding your experiences and learning always. With this in mind; to connect, to listen and to learn, I headed, on the last Friday of September, with Sonya and many like minding people to a sunbathed hill in Essex. Danbury outdoor center, just outside Chelmsford was the venue for the annual Forest School Association (FSA) conference. The conference was attended by over 300 people and was mine and Sonya’s first time attending. There were over a 1000 workshops to choose from and one could fit in up to 3 workshops over the course of the weekend. I wanted to concentrate on storytelling and how I could do it better. So I signed up to two different storytelling workshops, which both had interesting and helpful ideas that I could incorporate into my practice. I also attended another workshop and learnt how to make a light weight saw which was great fun too! There were also approximately 16 stalls, selling all sorts ranging from tools, work benches, outdoor clothing and willow to name but a few. I bought several palm drills for the children to use as well as small clamps to keep their objects in place, in order to drill safely such as conkers and acorns. The organisation of the conference was run really well. All the organisers and volunteers were so helpful and kind. There were quizzes, singing, dancing and campfires, lots of connecting, talking and laughing, as well as lots of food and cake. I met some very interesting people, who had great life stories. Nell Seal, who oversees the accreditation of Forest settings, organised a meeting between all the accredited settings and practitioners. This was another great session that allowed us to come together, share experiences and support each other. So many people in the world think that forest school is just about being outside, but there is so much more, a whole pedagogy in fact! This is why children we have in our setting show so much resilience, strength and well being. They learn so many life skills to prepare themselves for the next big adventures of their lives. All in all it was a really successful weekend and we are already really looking forward to attending next year. As Rachel is just about to complete her own Forest school Leader course we are hoping that she can attend with us too.
Forest School- London- Kids havingn fun
by Adam Patel 19 September 2023
Round up and update from Annie and Co- North London's only recognised Forest school. Find out curriculum plans for the term and what our team is getting up to.
We are moving!
by Phillippa Anne Sabbagh 20 April 2023
Find out more about our new upcoming permanent home!
22 July 2022
Summer Term It’s been a sweltering few months at Annie and Co this term and we’ve all had a great time! Here’s our end of term newsletter to let you know what we’ve been getting up to. All the hard work that we did on our vegetable patch in the spring came to fruition this term and we were able to make our first few harvests. So far our most successful crops have been the potatoes and the strawberries. We got right into the cooking and the eating of these as they went onto the campfire to make chips and jam! We are still diligently looking after the remaining plants in our vegetable patch and are looking for to harvesting our sweetcorn and radishes as soon as they are ready too. This term saw the Queen’s jubilee celebrations and it was great to spend an afternoon with all the parents enjoying our freshly made elderflower mocktails in teapots. We also celebrated fathers day with our little people who were really proud of their father’s day gifts. We hoped you dads liked them out there! This term we have been focusing hard on our letters with the older children adding their names to the name tree each day in the forest and having lots of story circles amongst the trees. As usual we have been very busy in the forest, with some expert den building, mud kitchen cooking and fairy garden building and we can’t wait to do even more come the summer holidays! We have also been enjoying our new hammock an d the music box finally making it down to the forest too. Collin the crow is not sure about our music just yet but we are having fun singing, dancing and making lots of fun music for him to enjoy! We would like to say a huge thank you to all our little forest friends for making the term such a hoot! To you parents thanks for the continued engagement with us and what we are doing for our little people. It's been a fantastic year and we wish you all the best summer holidays! We are excited to see what fun stories and adventures you all have on your return. It's been a tricky few years for a lot of our little people and families but we got there in the end, hopefully you agree that the children are now thriving again! Summer Holidays For those that are with us during the holidays as well as term time, we will be doing lots more playing with water and making sure we keep in the shade. We hope to be carrying on with our target painting projects and will be thinking of what our stick man and his lady love might want to do once they return from their summer holidays too. We hope that by this time our sweetcorn will be ready and we will be able to have some corn on the cobs on the fire and start planting our winter vegetables back into our patch. News and Updates (Some general news and updates from our side) As some of you may already know this term we celebrated achieving our official Forest School Association recognition to become only the fifth early years setting in London and eighth in the country to achieve this so far. It was a hugely proud moment and we really appreciate all the parents who have supported our move further into the Forest ethos! We also had a visit from Ofsted the outcome of which was that ‘we continue to meet the criteria for a safe and productive setting’. Our outstanding status has been retained and we are really grateful again for the glowing testimonials that were sent in by the parents. Some of you may have met the new cohort of children who will be starting in September and all the places that were available remain full. We are at maximum capacity each day and have been overwhelmed by interest from local parents both through word of mouth and through our website so thank you to all of those singing our praises out there. We are hoping to have a picnic the week before we all break up which will be next week now. We are just trying to work out with the Scout Park which would be the best day to invite you guys and we will let you know. Hopefully, you can all join us for a picnic and a play. House keeping For our little people that are going into nursery or reception in September we will be sending all of the photos and any assessments that we hold over to you guys so you can enjoy them as a family. Please note that as for term dates we are back open for those who are with us normally during the holidays on the 22nd of August. However Haringey Term dates for the new school term start on the 1st of September so the 31st of August will be the last day for anyone going into nursery or reception this year. Also for parents who only use us for 39 weeks of the year please remember that fees are calculated as an annual total and then divided into 12 monthly payments. Please bear in mind this means that your August payment will form your last and final payment of the academic year.
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